Natruely Rooted LLC

Natruely Rooted began by looking for natural hair care products, as a result of hair loss due to perms & hair dyes. Destiny's daughter, Ava,also experienced hair loss due to Tinea of the scalp.After many failed attempts to find a product in stores and online, Destiny was determined to create her own, embracing her natural God given texture. Natruely Rooted began with one product, Hair Growth Oil. Overtime our list of products continue to expand. All of our products are handmade with natural ingredients to stimulate HEALTHY hair and skincare. Many times simplicity reflects the best results. Be rooted in who you are- enjoy!

All Natural Ingredients

Moringa Hair Oil

Moringa Hair Oil

Oil Bundle - 2 for $35  This collection provides all of Natruely... 

Luxury Fragrance Oil

Luxury Fragrance Oil

Upgrade your Fragrance collection. PURE OILS-NO ALCOHOL